
Please be aware that the Rank subscription on Cloud SMP has a duration of 30 days.

By choosing to support CLOUD SMP with your generous donations, you must agree to the following terms:

Age Confirmation:

You are an adult, 18 years of age or older, and you provide your full consent for this donation.


If you are a minor, below the age of 18, you affirm that you have obtained explicit consent from your parent or legal guardian for this donation.

No Entitlement to Refund:

Please note that donations made to CLOUD SMP are generally non-refundable unless there are documented technical issues or a decision by the owner's team to issue a refund.

Self-Interest Support:

Supporting our Server is entirely voluntary and driven by your personal interest in our community and services. We greatly appreciate your support.

For more detailed information regarding our donation policies and procedures, please refer to the sections below. Your continued support is vital to our community's growth and success. Thank you for being a part of the CLOUD SMP!